1917 | Born in Kumamoto Prefecture. |
1939 | Graduated from Tokyo School of Fine Arts. |
1956 | Exhibited by invitation at The 2nd Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan. Ghost Brought Back to Life and Vice-Principal Mr. D. received an award. Exhibited at the Ⅳ Mostra Internazionale di Bianco e Nero 1956-Lugano. Elegy for a New Conscript: Sentinel received the second prize. |
1960 | Exhibited by invitation at The 4th Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan. A Group of the Blind won the award of excellence. |
1962 | Received The 2nd Fukushima Award for Deranged Man. |
1964 | Visited Europe. |
1965 | Returned from Europe. Became an honorable member of the Florence Art Academy, Prints Division. |
1975 | Chimei Hamada Copper Print Exhibition held at Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art. All the works from 1938 through 1975 shown. |
1979 |
Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art held “CHIMEI HAMADA” copper print exhibition. All works shown. Albertina National Museum of Art, Vienna, Austria organized Chimei Hamada Exhibition where self-nominated 100 copper prints were displayed. Exhibition also shown at Graz State Museum of Modern Art, Graz, Austria. Traveled to Europe for the opening at Albertina National Museum of Art. On the way home, visited Paris. |
1980 | The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura organized “Chimei Hamada Copper Prints―From Elegy for a New conscript to Deal”. All copper prints exhibited. |
1989 | On occasion of the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution, awarded Grade de Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres. |
1993 | Exhibits at the Japan Gallery of The British Museum, London. Self-nominated 100 copper prints and 16 sculptures shown. |
1994 | Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art held “CHIMEI HAMADA” exhibition. All copper prints and sculptures shown. |
1996 | Held an exhibition, All About Chimei Hamada, which traveled from the Odakyu Museum of Art to the Museum of Modern Art, Toyama; the Shimonoseki City Art Museum; and the Itami City Museum of Art. (Produces by The Asahi Shimbun Co.) |
2000 | Held Chimei Hamada: Satire through Sculpture exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura. All 52 sculptures and 25 prints shown. |
2001 | Held an exhibition, Chimei Hamada: Exploring Humans through Print and Sculpture, at Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art. Works displayed with Goya’s at the exhibition at Komagane Kogen Art Museum. |
2005 | Held an exhibition of new works and sculptures at Hiro Gallery, Tokyo, Gallery Nii, Osaka and Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto. |
2006 | Held Chimei Hamada exhibition at Homma Museum of Art, Yamagata. |
2007 | Held an exhibition, Chimei Hamada‐Infinite Human Love, at Okawa Museum of Art, Gunma. |
2008 | Works placed at Uffizi Gallery in Florence and became the first Japanese Artist whose works were placed there. Uffizi Gallery organized Chimei Hamada exhibition which is the first Japanese artist’s one-man show. |
2009 | Held Chimei Hamada exhibition at Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art. |
2010 | Held “The World of HAMADA Chimei -Elegy and Humor in Prints and Sculpture-“ at The Museum of Modern Art, Hayama in Kanagawa. |
2011 | Held Chimei Hamada exhibition at SAKIMA ART MUSEUM, Okinawa. |
2012 | Exhibits in "Tokyo 1955 - 1970: A New Avant-Garde" of The Museum of Modern Art(US). |
2014 | Exhibits in "THE DISASTERS OF WAR" of The Louvre-Lens(FRA). |
2015 | Held an exhibition, ALL ABOUT CHIMEI HAMADA: The 70th anniversary of the end of WWⅡ, at Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art. |
2018 |
Held Chimei Hamada exhibition at Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts. Passed away in Kumamoto. |
1917 | 熊本に生まれる。 |
1939 | 東京美術学校油画科卒業。 |
1956 | 第2回現代日本美術展において≪よみがえる亡霊≫及び≪副校長D氏像≫で受賞。 第4回ルガノ国際版画展において≪初年兵哀歌(歩哨)≫で受賞。 |
1960 | 第4回現代美術展において≪群盲≫で受賞。 |
1962 | ≪狂った男≫で第2回福島賞受賞。 |
1964 | 渡欧。 |
1965 | 帰国。フィレンツェ美術アカデミー版画部門名誉会員となる。 |
1975 | 北九州市立美術館主催 浜田知明銅版画作品1938-1975展開催。 |
1979 | 熊本県立美術館主催 浜田知明銅版画展において全作品を展示。アルベルティーナ国立素描版画美術館(ウィーン・オーストリア)、州立近代美術館 ヨアネム・ノイエギャラリー(グラーツ・オーストリア)主催浜田知明展において自選100点を展示。渡欧。 |
1980 | 神奈川県立近代美術館主催 浜田知明銅版画展において全作品を展示。 |
1989 | フランス革命200年祭に際し、フランス政府より芸術・文化勲章 (シュヴァリエ章)受賞。 |
1993 | 大英博物館・日本館主催 浜田知明展において自選版画100点、彫刻16点を展示。 |
1994 | 熊本県立美術館主催 浜田知明展において版画、彫刻全作品を展示。 |
1996 | 朝日新聞社、小田急美術館、富山県立近代美術館、下関市立美術館、伊丹市立美術館共催による「浜田知明の全容」展開催。 |
2000 | 神奈川県立近代美術館主催「浜田知明展-彫刻による諷刺」において彫刻52点全作品、版画25点を展示。 |
2001 | 熊本県立美術館にて「浜田知明展-版画と彫刻による人間の探求」を開催。駒ヶ根高原美術館にて「ゴヤ・浜田知明展」を開催。 |
2005 | ヒロ画廊にて「浜田知明新作彫刻展」を開催。同展はその後ギャラリー新居(大阪)、熊本市現代美術館を巡回。 |
2006 | 山形・本間美術館にて「浜田知明彫刻・版画展」を開催。 |
2007 | 群馬・大川美術館にて「無限の人間愛 浜田知明展」を開催。 |
2008 | ウフィッツィ美術館(フィレンツェ)にて日本人作家として初めて作品が収蔵される。 ウフィッツィ美術館が日本人作家はじめての個展「浜田知明展」を開催。 |
2009 | 北九州市立美術館にて「浜田知明展―不条理とユーモア―」を開催。 |
2010 | 神奈川県立近代美術館 葉山にて「版画と彫刻による哀しみとユーモア 浜田知明の世界展」を開催。 |
2011 | 沖縄・佐喜眞美術館にて「人間の風景 浜田知明の世界展」を開催。 |
2012 | ニューヨーク近代美術館「TOKYO 1955-1970:新しい前衛」展に出品。 |
2014 | ルーブル・ランス(仏)「THE DISASTERS OF WAR」に出品。 |
2015 | 熊本県立美術館にて「戦後70年記念 浜田知明のすべて」を開催。 |
2018 |
町田市立国際版画美術館にて「浜田知明 100年のまなざし」を開催。 熊本にて逝去。 |