1996.7.1 - 7.19
Theodoros Stamos Exhibition

Infinity Field Torino Series / acrylic on paper / 77.0×57.0cm / 1989
Infinity Field Torino Series / acrylic on paper / 77.0×57.0cm / 1989


From July 1st to 19th in 1996, HIRO GALLERY held Theodoros Stamos Exhibition.


Theodoros Stamos(1922-1997) was born to Greek immigrants family in New York, and produced great works as the youngest artist of the American abstract expressionists. Because of his racial characteristics as a Greek or not, he became acquainted with organic patterns, ancient mythology and so on. In the course of the study, he met Japanese art. In the mid of the 1940’s, he got interested in oriental art, philosophy and poems and through pursuing them, he acquired his subtle style of expression.


If the color-field paintings of Rothko (who was born in Russia, raised as a Jew, and came to the United States at the age of ten) are “paintings of a horizon where the sky and the earth meet,” those of Stamos are “paintings of a horizon where the sky and the ocean meet.” Rothko’s color, imbued with rich spatiality, slowly pulls the viewer into its world and tenderly embraces him. On the other hand, Stamos’s color, ever dynamic, fills the viewer with energy, sometimes as serenely as an evening calm; he will, before he knows, find himself immersed in the artist’s world.


[Midori Yanai / Curator, Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo]

1996年7月1日から7月19日にかけて、東京・銀座 ヒロ画廊においてテオドロス・スタモス展を開催いたしました。




「ロシア生まれでユダヤ教の教育を受け、10歳の時に渡米したロスコの色面作品が≪大地の地平線の絵画≫であるならば、スタモスの色面作品は≪大海の水平線の絵画≫である。そして、ロスコの色彩の世界は見る人がゆっくりと引き込まれ柔らかく抱擁される様な豊かな空間性を感じさせるのに比べて、スタモスの色彩はダイナミックで見る人の所まで時には時化のように激しく時には夕凪のようにおだやかで充実したエネルギーが満ちてきて、いつしか彼の世界にどっぷりと浸っている自分に気付くのである。」(展覧会図録より:目黒区美術館主任学芸員 矢内みどり)