2018.10.12 – 10.27
The Day of Italian Contemporary Art | Robert Bosisio e Michela Pedron
イタリア現代アートの日 | ロバート・ボシシオ&ミケーラ・ペドロン二人展

Cranky Crow | Michela Pedron
Cranky Crow / acrylic on fabric / 85 x 120 cm / 2017


Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo held a two-person exhibition Robert Bosisio and Michela Pedron.


The AMACI (Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums) is an NPO founded in 2003 that currently brings together 24 major museums in Italy, with the aim of improving the dissemination and knowledge of their collections. Since 2005, AMACI has organized the day of Italian Contemporary Art in October, in which participating museums open their doors for free for a rich series of events, exhibitions, conferences, and workshops. From this year, now in its fourteenth edition, the “Giornata del Contemporaneo” takes place in collaboration with the network of Italian Cultural Institutes in the world, for a week dedicated to the promotion of Italian contemporary art. At the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo, the The day of Italian Contemporary Art is celebrated in collaboration with two well-known city galleries, the 104Galerie and the Hiro Gallery - the latter specialized in Italian art today.

[From the website of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo:

https://iictokyo.esteri.it/iic_tokyo/it/gli_eventi/calendario/2018/10/giornata-del-contemporaneo-mostra.html ]


HIRO GALLERY introduced the whole series of artworks by Michela Pedron, a new Italian pop artist, including new works of paintings, objet, and installations. She utilizes the silks or fabrics from her collection as supports, then paints motifs in which humanity has dual conceptions. And for three-dimensional works, she adds vivid colorings or humor to ready-made sculptures or models. That makes viewers wipe out conventional fixed ideas, then gives a new point of view, and urge to re-think the social problems or essence of things.



The Day of Italian Contemporary Art

Robert Bosisio and Michela Pedron


Term: October 12 – 27, 2018 ※Admission free

Hours Open: 11:00 – 18:00 [Open everyday / Closes at 16:30 only on October 19]

Venue: Exhibition Hall of Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo

Address: 2-1-30 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074]

Tel: 03-3264-6011 [ext. 24, 29, 13]

Organizer: Italian Cultural Institute

Collaboration: 104GALERIE, HIRO GALLERY Ginza Tokyo



イタリア現代美術館協会(Associazione dei Musei d’Arte Contemporanea Italiani)は、2003年に創立した非営利団体で、現在24の美術館が加盟しています。同協会は、2005年に「現代アートの日」というプロジェクトを立ち上げ、毎年10月の期間中、展覧会や講演会の他、さまざまなイベントを実施しています。これらはどれも入場無料で、現代アートに触れる機会を多くの人々に提供しています。14回目となる本年より、同プロジェクトは、協会加盟の美術館の他、世界各地にあるイタリア文化会館でも実施されることになりました。










会期:2018年10月12日 - 2018年10月27日 ※入場無料

時間:11:00 - 18:00(休館日なし、10月19日のみ16:30まで)

会場:イタリア文化会館 エキジビションホール

住所:〒102-0074 東京都千代田区九段南2-1-30

電話:03-3264-6011(内線24, 29, 13)

