Cecco Bonanotte made sculptures for Santa Croce Church in Vinci village, Tuscany region, Italy. For commemorating the accomplishment, the opening ceremony was held on 18 June.
Vinci Village is well known as the hometown of Leonardo da Vinci, and the historic baptistery Leonardo was baptized in is still placed in the church. Bonanotte produced the works that surround the historic baptistery and the round sculptures that decorates the ceiling dome.
To celebrate it, “Cecco Bonanotte Exhibition 1970-2010” is being held at Leonardo Museum near the church until 6 November. When you have chance to go to Italy, please go and enjoy the exhibition.
Cecco Bonanotte Exhibition 1970-2010
Venue: Leonardo Museum (Conti Guidi Castle), Vinci Village, Tuscany Region, Italy
Term: 18 June - 6 November [Open daily]
Hours Open: 9:30 - 19:00
Website of the exhibition
これを記念して、隣接するレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ美術館にて11月6日まで展覧会「Mostra Cecco Bonanotte (チェッコ・ボナノッテ展) 1970-2010」が開催されています。イタリアへ足を運ぶ機会がございましたら、是非ご高覧くださいませ。
チェッコ・ボナノッテ展 1970-2010
会期:6月18日 - 11月6日(無休)
時間:9:30 - 19:00